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Celebrating Friendship and Creativity: Our Journey in Starting a Unique Business

The Beginning of a Beautiful Partnership

Hello, dear friends and fellow dreamers!

Today, we're beyond excited to share some fantastic news with you. It's been an incredible journey, full of laughter, late-night brainstorming sessions, and, of course, a few tough decisions. My friend Laura and I have embarked on a thrilling adventure – starting our very own business!


From Dreams to Reality

Our dream was simple yet ambitious: to create products that we would love to use. Every item in our collection is crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, reflecting our personal tastes and desires.  Basically, I say something like, “I wish I had,” and Laura says,  “I can design that!”  That’s how you take a dream into a reality.  You get a Laura.


Sticky Notes That Truly Stick

Take our sticky notes, for instance. We've all been there – leaving a note, only to find it fallen and forgotten. Not anymore! Our sticky notes are equipped with 3M glue, ensuring they stick where you put them.  This is an extremely important detail for us.


Unique, Yet Unified

Our themed yet distinct product designs show our desire for beauty and functionality. For instance, our legal pads are high-quality, aesthetically pleasing, and perfectly sized to match our day planners.


Handy To-Do Lists

We understand the hustle of everyday life. That's why our to-do lists are designed to fit comfortably in your hand, allowing you to jot down tasks on the go without missing a beat.


Our Thoughtfully Designed Notecards

Another gem in our collection is our range of notecards, meticulously crafted to complement our day planner themes. The beauty of these notecards lies not only in their exquisite design and high-quality paper but also in the thoughtful detail that sets them apart. Understanding the minor frustrations of traditional notecards, we've innovated by shipping them flat. This unique feature eliminates the annoyance of the fold, allowing you to utilize the entire space. Whether you're penning a heartfelt message or jotting down extensive notes, our notecards allow you to express yourself fully without any constraints. These small but significant touches make our products truly special, tailored to the needs and preferences of thoughtful communicators like you.


Our Personal Favorites: The Day Planners


The Essence of Our Day Planners

In our quest to craft the perfect day planner, we've paid attention to every detail that enhances both functionality and ease of use. Each of our day planners is designed in a classic size, ideal for slipping into most purses or bags, making them perfect companions wherever you go. The spiral binding is crucial, allowing pages to flip completely over. This design choice not only facilitates writing on both sides of the paper but also ensures a comfortable and hassle-free experience.

One of the standout features of our planners is their undated pages. This means you can start organizing your life any time in the year without feeling like you've wasted pages. It's all about flexibility and adapting to your schedule, not the other way around.

But the most crucial aspect is how these planners respect your individuality. We've all experienced the frustration of overly prescriptive planners, filled with unnecessary sections dictating our daily habits. That's why our planners are different. They don't tell you what to do. For example, we've omitted the typical boxes for tracking water intake. While staying hydrated is essential, not everyone needs a daily checkbox for it. We believe in reducing the guilt and pressure that comes from unmet, often unnecessary, daily targets.

Instead, our planners offer ample lined space, laid out intuitively, for you to create your own goals and to-do lists. Life changes day by day, and your planner should accommodate that fluidity. In our planners, guilt has no place. Today's goals may shift tomorrow, and that's perfectly okay. We aim to provide a tool that assists in organizing your life, not dictating it.


The Sassy Pants Day Planner

Created especially for Laura, the Sassy Pants planner celebrates boldness and style. It features stunning vintage images of women set against vibrant pink backgrounds. Each month is a tribute to a shade of pink lipstick, complete with sassy sayings to add a bit of zest to your day.


The Ocean Zen Day Planner

For me, there's an unending longing for the beach, and the Ocean Zen planner reflects that. Each month unveils a breathtaking beach photograph, offering a serene escape whenever the day overwhelms.


Expanding Our Horizon

Our excitement doesn't end here! We've recently introduced print-on-demand t-shirts, hoodies, and tech accessories, all designed around our beloved themes: Sassy Pants and Ocean Zen.


A Message to Our Friends

We want each of you to feel cherished and acknowledged. We know the tireless effort you put into balancing your home, health, and personal aspirations. You are a child of God, a beacon of leadership, and a dedicated servant to others. We celebrate you and your journey.

As we continue this exciting venture, we invite you to join us, not just as customers but as part of our extended family. Together, let's make every day a little more beautiful, a little more organized, and a lot more fun.

With love and excitement,

Angie and Laura


P.S.: Stay tuned for more updates and sneak peeks into our upcoming products! 🌟✨

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